Emotional and psychological trauma stored in the body causes inflammation. It’s like surviving a car accident and ignoring your broken ribs and cracked skull.  From the inside, trauma and emotional stress destroy your health. It shows up as disease.

The vagus nerve is the highway of information from gut to brain. If the gut is weakened then the communication to the brain is compromised.  Chronic stress alters the microbial load and vagal signals through the cranial nerve.  The vagus nerve creates production of chemicals like serotonin and GABA in the brain, decreases inflammation, and promotes healing. When trauma and emotional wounds weaken the gut it ultimately affects our entire system.  Yoga and breath work can stimulate our vagus nerve to send a message to our bodies that it’s time to relax and de-stress, which leads to long-term improvements in mood, pain management.

I’m not going to be the teacher that tells “you should think and be happy all the time.”  Telling people to ignore those bad feelings is telling them to ignore who they are, what they are made of.

In my own healing, I’ve learned to find these emotions in my body, heal old trauma and take control of disease. I’ve also awakened compassion, love and a new understanding for others.  It’s so important to not neglect every emotion that comes up. Welcome them. Let them sit with you. Talk to them. Ask them, what do you need from me? Make sure you accept your parts and not just the shiny happy ones. I’m a huge fan of being open compassionate telling it like it is!

I’m being called to show up for you in a whole new way.  Letting go of committing to MindBody, ClassPass and employing other teachers which will allow me to grow more spiritually and show up in a whole new way for my people. This transition will allow me to focus more on what I have to offer as a individual healer instead of being a yoga studio owner. I’ll still be teaching regular weekly classes with class packages and we will make sure you have all the necessary links to get started. I’m incredibly excited to do this in a new way. You see….. I didn’t fully understand what opening a yoga studio was going to do to my yoga practice.  It has cracked me open and healed me in ways I didn’t understand.. I’ve learned to forgive myself for what I didn’t know. This may look like a phase of things falling apart but it’s really creating a new space for new things to come together. I’m looking forward to the days ahead with eagerness and excitement to see what’s coming next.  My healing is now allowing me to share this healing with those who want to walk this path with me, being a fearless guide and supportive presence! I want to hold space with love, compassion and strength. I’m here for it. All of it! The good, the bad and whatever! It is my joy and honor to be able to share my tools and wisdom with you during the process as I heal myself and guide others to do their own healing. Together as a collective using love, honesty, openness and compassion,  we can move toward our natural state, align with our true selves and learn to live our best lives. You are the one you’ve been waiting for and I’m honored to be a guide.

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